Vintage Acquisitions specialises in Scotch Cask Whisky Investment offering opportunities to invest in premium Single Cask Scotch Whisky an alternative asset known for its timeless value and high demand.
90% Percent
of cask whisky is bottled between the age of 3-12 years
The Scotch Whisky industry provides £7.1bn in gross value added (GVA) to the UK economy (2022)
There are currently 148 operating Scotch Whisky distilleries across Scotland (March 2024)
About Us
A team of passionate whisky experts
Vintage Acquisitions are a team of passionate whisky experts with over 13 years experience in valuing, managing and trading cask whisky.
Currently in our 14th year of trading and managing single malt cask whisky. We offer an unrivalled, friendly and transparent service, specialising in the buying, selling and management of Scottish single malt whisky casks.

Five easy steps
The Buying Process
What to expect when buying a cask:
Initial telephone call with a member of the team to establish your needs and objectives for purchasing cask whisky and to qualify whether the market is suitable.
Once qualified, we’ll ask you to set a comfortable budget and then we’ll professionally match your requirements/budget to our stocklist and present some options over email for consideration and further discussion.
Once you have decided on the cask(s) that suits your needs and budget, you will receive an invoice, including all the cask’s unique data. Once settled and your AML check has been completed/passed, you will receive an ownership pack including all your legal documents.
Your cask(s) can be transferred to an existing private account by way of a ‘Delivery Order’ (DO) or held in one of our secure HMRC-approved excise warehouse accounts. All casks will be moved to our state-of-the-art HMRC cask maturation warehouse ‘Campbeltown Bond’ where you will have full access (physical & virtual) and full autonomy over your cask(s).
As a cask owner you will be granted access to the members area of our website where you can access your portfolio through Vintage Acquisition’s bespoke portal, download documents and educate yourself further on the whisky market. When your cask(s) land at Campbeltown Bond, you will have full autonomy over your cask(s) via an independent, cutting-edge, cask maturation software ‘Vapour’. Lastly, you will be automatically enrolled as an exclusive member to our ‘Vintage Whisky Club’ (VWC).
Welcome on board
Sell Your Cask
We are the largest and most trusted buyers of privately held whisky casks. With more than 12 years of experience purchasing cask whisky, we pay the best prices by same-day bank transfer. Click the link below for your free valuation.
Download our ‘Whisky Cask Investment Guide’ and speak to one of our experienced team today.
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Download our Whisky Cask Investment Guide and speak to our experienced senior cask traders